Instruction to parents

1. Parents are advised to take special interest in the academic progress of their ward by spending time with them and helping them in their studies.

2. Absence of their ward from classes without legitimate reason should not be encouraged.

3. The rules of the school obligate parents to meet the principal/class teacher in the event of their being requested to do so.

4. Parents should not allow their wards to carry valuable item to school or wear costly ornaments.

5. Parent shall desist from giving money to their wards unless specifically instructed by the principal.

6. Parents shall ensure that their wards come to school properly dresses in their uniform. Students shall be modest in their appearance. Wearing ornaments, fancy items, expensive watches, etc.. are discouraged. Boys shall have a decent haircut. Wearing long hair is not permitted. Girls are required to wear their hair in two braids. Short hair can worn in two pig tails. Plain blue hair band is to be worn by girls having very short hair.

7. Parents must ensure their wards wear vest/slips and proper inner wear.

8. Parent shall ensure that the snack/lunch their wards carry to school are clean and in handy tiffin box with a napkin. The tiffin box and other personal belongings like water bottle, umbrella and school bag should have the name and class aqnd rollno of the child written on them.

9. Parents shall ensure that their wards attend/participate in programmes/events organized at the school.

10. Parents are advised to pay school fees sufficiently in advance and thus avoid unnecessary embarrassment to their wards.

11. For an emergency if you want to take your child outside the school campus during the class can be done only with the permission of the principal.

12. Parents must check the diary of their child every day for any communication given to them from the school.

Parents visit to the school

1. Parents are requested to visit the school for all the transactions only during office hours on working days.

2. Parents can meet the class or subject teacher if required during lunch break.

3. Parents can meet principal on any working day preferably.

4. Parents visiting the school must go to the office and not to the teacher’s room or class room.

5. Parents are strongly discouraged from visiting school staff at their residence.